Ham Bucket List

I’m looking at picking up this hobby again after (another) long break. I had a lot of fun doing radio activities at a Scout camp with a great group of kids. I’ve looked back over my notes from many years ago, and I found a list of things I wanted to accomplish with this hobby.

Some of the things on the list I’ve already accomplished:

  • I got a new ham on the air for the first time!
  • I got VHF/UHF installed in my truck.
  • I listened to ham traffic on a satellite (ok, didn’t make a contact that way, but half credit).
  • Attempted a SOTA from Cloudland Canyon (well, it looks like a mountain, half credit again).
  • Go on a foxhunt.

My original list was quite ambitious. Here are some of the ones I still want to try, either soon or someday:

  • Do a SOTA activation on top of Stone Mountain,
  • and from a mountain near Cloudland Canyon,
  • and from Kennesaw Mountain.
  • NPOTA and IOTA while we’re at it.
  • Figure out how to do portable HF operations.
  • Make an overseas contact.
  • Make a satellite contact.
  • Make a packet/data contact.
  • Get another new ham on the air.
  • Learn Morse code (this never seems to stick).
  • Get VHF/UHF installed in the new car.
  • Get a home station set up for HF/VHF/UHF.
  • Near space photography with a weather balloon.

Of course, time is at a premium, and I won’t be able to tackle all or even most of this list this year, but it will be fun to look back in a few years’ time and see what items I can check off and what new ideas I can add.